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CMB Leadership Mentoring Program

Nominations now open!

The CMB Mentoring Program is an elite opportunity for leaders in the broadcasting community to develop essential skills, network with successful mentors, and invest in personal and professional growth.

What is CMB Mentoring?

This 7-month intensive equips mentees with core leadership skills through mentor calls, classroom discussions, and practical workbook assignments. Unlike traditional leadership programs, this curriculum is uniquely designed specifically for broadcasters – focusing not on the daily operations of a station, but on learning from the experiences of industry leaders.

Core Monthly Topics:
  • June: Self-Awareness as a Leader – Know Yourself to Lead
  • July: Mindset of a Leader – Point of View for Successful Leaders
  • August: Taming the Whirlwind – Time and Attention Decisions as a Leader
  • September: Leadership and Management Essentials – Both Vital To Success
  • October: Leading Teams and Building Trust – Clear Vision Launches A Clear Leader
  • November: Navigating Change Effectively – Change and Your Leadership Approach
  • December: Necessary Endings – When and How to Make Critical Decisions

Who should apply?

This program is designed for future leaders or anyone aspiring to grow in their leadership journey. If you know of someone with strong potential who would benefit from this opportunity, we invite you to nominate them. With only 20 mentees selected, this exclusive program ensures a focused, high impact experience equips participants with a focused, high-impact experience.

How does CMB Mentoring work?

Since this is an elite program for those in the broadcasting community, the first step is to nominate a deserving person by filling out the CMB Mentoring form. This is a powerful way to encourage others. Once everything is confirmed with the mentee, they will be individually paired with a mentor, such as a CMB Board member or another recognizable experienced industry leader who is passionate about investing in others. Mentors and mentees will first connect at Momentum 2025. Subsequent mentoring sessions will take place monthly. Not only will the mentees have one-on-one time with their mentor, each month they will receive a workbook with focused curriculum plus a virtual group discussion with Paul Martin.

What responsibilities do you have when nominating someone?
  • Check in with the mentee and ask questions like, “What insights or practices are you implementing from this month’s CMB Mentoring program?”
  • Encourage the mentee to schedule monthly sessions with their mentor as well as the monthly classroom discussion.
  • If appropriate, schedule the mentee to share with your team what they’ve learned.
What are the eligibility requirements to be a mentee?
  • CMB Gold or Silver Member – an exclusive member benefit
  • Desire for personal and professional advancement
  • Willing to expand scope of leadership
What is the investment from a mentee?
  • Dedicate an hour each month to the one-on-one calls with a mentor
  • Once a month group mentoring sessions with all of the mentees and Paul Martin
  • Commit to read the monthly curriculum workbook (approximately 30 pages)
  • Total investment is $1,050 ($150 / month)
What is CMB’s guarantee to the mentees?

Participants will emerge as empowered and effective leaders with enhanced leadership skills, collecting resources along the way to prepare them for their next step in their leadership journey. We firmly believe that CMB Mentoring is a valuable investment into the lives of our future leaders’ personal and professional journey. If you are interested in being involved  as a mentee and would like to ask your leader to consider nominating you, please use this Convince Your Boss Letter.


CMB is committed to raising up the next generation of leaders. Who do you know that would benefit from CMB Mentoring?