WGTS 91.9 Hosts Tribute to America from Country of Romania
(Washington, D.C.) – WGTS 91.9 hosted over 1,000 people at “Amazing Grace: Celebrating Religious Freedom, a Tribute of Romania to America,” on September 10 at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. The Embassy of Romania sponsored the event to celebrate 32 years of democracy and religious freedom in the country and commemorate 9/11.
Over 300 musicians from the National Orchestra of Bucharest, Procred Choir, top Romanian singers from “The X Factor” and “Romania’s Got Talent,” and the country’s top pop and opera stars all performed. The event was broadcast live nationwide in Romania on CNN Romania.
Romanian Ambassador Andrei Muraru invited WGTS to participate in the festivities by inviting listeners to attend the celebration. WGTS 91.9 President and CEO Kevin Krueger welcomed the audience and talked about the privilege of sharing classic hymns, such as “Amazing Grace,” that represent the name of Jesus.
“There were several moments throughout the night where I found myself fighting tears,” said WGTS 91.9 Morning Show Host Summer Shepherd. “As a woman married to a Romanian who came to America in search of religious freedom, I am well-acquainted with what it cost my in-laws to be here. As I sat holding my husband’s hand, in the Nation’s Capital, as musicians from his home country sought to celebrate the very things his family fought for, it was humbling and exhilarating beyond measure.”