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What are you looking for?

MAY 28 – 30 • ORLANDO


The Event
of the Year

Momentum is the premier event for Christian music radio professionals, where you will expand your knowledge, rejuvenate your spirit, and connect with others who share your mission. This transformative experience will elevate you both personally and professionally.



Scott Beck


Amy Brown

The Bobby Bones Show



Jenni Catron

4Sight Group

Louie Giglio

Passion City Church

Fred Jacobs

Jacobs Media

Kenny Jay

Albright & O’Malley & Brenner


Provident Entertainment

Mac Lake

Multiply Group

Natchi Lazarus

Connected Church Academy

Dr. Caroline Leaf

Switch on Your Brain Intl.

Shama Mrema


Bill Sammons

88.7 The Bridge, Retired

David Sams


Lee Truax

LCT Consulting



Momentum breakouts dive deep into the essential topics shaping radio today. Explore music research and strategy, fundraising success, and innovative business development. Discover how to recruit on-air talent, build a compelling personal brand on social media, and create unforgettable concert promotions. Learn about the latest in AI, connecting with Spanish-speaking audiences, and unleash off-the-chart creativity. With so much more to offer, these dynamic breakouts will equip you with actionable insights to extend your platform. Plus, new this year…there are 16 to choose from, each one focusing on:

Business Development





Music & Programming

Social & Digital Media






Event Details

Full registration includes lunch, dinner, and snacks Wednesday, May 28 – Friday, May 30 (breakfast not included) in addition to all educational sessions, music performances, and a ticket to one of Universal Studios parks (you must attend Momentum Worship to receive your ticket). Pricing subject to change.

 Gold Members – FREE 

<with $1339 Gold Membership>

 Silver Members – $849

<with $309 Silver Membership>

 Non-Members – $1149

 Students– $309 

For TRADITIONAL (18-23 years old) FULL-TIME college students and must have a valid student ID.

May 16 – registration CLOSES. No walk up registrations will be accepted.

 Convince Your Boss 

Need help convincing your boss to send you to Momentum? Use the sample letter below that we created to help!


CMB has a community of radio professionals who are passionate about the growth of Christian music radio and committed to ensuring that cost does not prevent anyone from attending Momentum. They have generously contributed to CMB’s scholarship fund to assist those in need of financial support. This fund can cover full registration fees as well as additional costs. While we can’t meet every need due to limited resources, we are dedicated to helping as many people as possible.

Momentum will be held at Sapphire Falls Resort & Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. There are two host hotel options that are within walking distance of the convention center and both have discounted room rates for you to choose from in the CMB room block.

Loews Sapphire Falls Resort & Convention Center

6601 Adventure Way
Orlando, Florida, 32819


Momentum Discounted Room Rate: $205 / Night  •  BOOK NOW >>


Universal’s Aventura Hotel

6725 Aventura Way

Orlando, FL 32819


Momentum Discounted Room Rate – $169 / Night  •  BOOK NOW >>


Make your hotel reservation by May 5 to get the discounted rate.


Guests staying at either of the host hotels receive complimentary self-parking. 

NEW THIS YEAR! Momentum Welcome starts at 7pm on Tuesday followed by the Welcome Reception, offering more opportunities to connect. Wednesday’s education begins at 9am in the ballroom and wraps up with the Keynote Dinner and Acoustic Café. Thursday brings a fresh focus with Momentum Worship, more networking, and extended time at the parks — a top request from last year’s survey. Plus, we’re bringing back the Cohort Lunches on Thursday where you can connect with others in similar roles.


4 – 7p • Check-in & Exhibit Hall Open + Free Time

7 – 7:45p • Momentum Welcome

7:45 – 9p • Welcome Reception



7:30 – 9a • Free Time

8:15 – 8:45a • Devotions & Coffee

9 – 12p • Morning Educational Sessions

12 – 1:30p • Networking Lunch & Free Time

1:30 – 4p • Afternoon Educational Sessions

4 – 4:45p • Breakouts

4:45 – 5:30p • Free Time

5:30 – 8p • Keynote Dinner

8 – 9p • Acoustic Cafe



7:30 – 9a • Free Time

8:15 – 8:45a • Devotions & Coffee

9 – 12p • Morning Educational Sessions

12 – 2:30p • Cohort Lunch & Free Time

2:30 – 3:30p • Momentum Worship

3:30p • Depart for Universal Theme Parks & Free Time



7:15 – 8:15a • Gold Member Breakfast

7:30 – 9a • Free Time

8:15 – 8:45a • Devotions & Coffee

9 – 12p • Morning Educational Sessions

12 – 1:30p • Networking Lunch & Free Time

1:30 – 4p • Afternoon Educational Sessions

4 – 4:45p • Breakouts

4:45 – 5:30p • Free Time

5:30 – 8p • CMB Awards Dinner

8 – 9p • CMB Member Party

Experience Momentum at your own pace. Momentum On Demand includes 15 videos of the Momentum main stage speakers, audio from the 16 breakouts, plus speaker resources! Please note that this does not include performances. We believe that attending in person is the BEST way to experience Momentum and get the full experience of all that’s offered. The On Demand link will be emailed to you the week of June 2 and will expire on December 31.


Gold Members – FREE

Momentum Attendees – $99

Non-Attendees – $299

take the risk.

In a world of constant change, taking calculated risks while honoring our mission is vital for growth and impact. As radio professionals with a Kingdom mindset, we're called to step out in faith, live fearlessly, and trust Jesus to guide our path. Courage is needed to move beyond comfort zones and seize opportunities that challenge us. Whether revamping your station, adopting new technologies, or developing innovative strategies, risks create breakthrough moments that serve your audience and communities. Explore how to thrive personally and professionally, fearlessly realigning with your purpose to amplify your influence for Jesus.

The Momentum experience was so good for me. I left encouraged, inspired, and refreshed. It was a first class operation and I made some great connections. I loved everything about it! The worship, the fellowship, the speakers, the breakout rooms etc.

Troy Miles
<GM, Word Media Group>

Momentum was a blast! Being surrounded by a big crowd of Christian radio folks was like finding your tribe for the first time. Coming from UCB Radio in Canada, where it can sometimes feel like you’re on your own, pioneering to reach across our nation, it was awesome to meet fellow missionaries sharing hope in Jesus in their areas. Making new connections in person was a highlight, and the teaching sessions were both uplifting and practical. Being able to shoot questions and get real answers was super helpful. And don’t even get me started on the artists – they were seriously inspiring! Hearing sneak peeks of upcoming music was a treat. Despite the trek from the chilly north, Momentum was totally worth it.

Liz Latchford
<Director of Development and Marketing, UCB Canada>

It was such an honor to be able to connect with the CCM radio family – people with a heart for Jesus whose mission rises above mere professional gains and is rooted in the desire to provide others with hope. I often can’t believe I get to be included in such a calling. I look forward to someday returning to share and learn among the best and brightest blessings to ever convene in one place. I also look forward to accidentally telling Ryan Stevenson I like someone else’s music besides his.

Mysti Jordan
<Morning Show Co-Host, Family Life Radio>

Momentum is the gathering of people you want to hang with. You don’t have to explain what you do—they get it. You show up ready to enjoy each other.

Ross McCampbell
<Executive Director – WBCL Radio Network>

Frequently Asked Questions


Where is Momentum located and where should I stay?

Momentum will be held at Sapphire Falls Resort & Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. There are two host hotel options that are within walking distance of the convention center and both have discounted room rates for you to choose from in the CMB room block. The hotel cutoff date is May 5 so be sure to book your hotel room before this date to take advantage of the discount.

When should I arrive and depart?

Please plan to join us on-site on Tuesday, May 27 as the Check-in & Info Desk and the Exhibit Hall will be open from 4 – 7p. At 7p, the Momentum Welcome kicks off followed by our Welcome Reception at 7:45p. We recommend booking your return flight on Saturday, May 31 as there is a lot planned for the night before. Get the most out of your Momentum experience and don’t miss a thing!

What airport should I fly into, and how can I get from the airport to the hotel?

Orlando International Airport (MCO) – From the airport to the hotel, it’s approximately a 20-minute drive. Taking an Uber or Lyft from the airport to the hotel will be about a $40-60 ride, one-way.
*Prices subject to change

This is my first time, how do I know where to go and what to do?

CMB connects first-timers with a leader in the industry who will help invest in you, answer your questions, and introduce you to others throughout the conference. You can sign up for a mentor when you register or send a request to CMB will also host an “All Things Momentum” webinar on Wednesday, May 7 at 12pm (CT).

Are there any changes to this year’s schedule?

Yes! NEW THIS YEAR – Momentum Welcome and Reception starts at 7pm on Tuesday, offering more opportunities to connect. Wednesday’s education begins at 9am in the ballroom and wraps up with the Keynote Dinner and Acoustic Café. Thursday brings a fresh focus with Momentum Worship, more networking, and extended time at the parks — a top request from last year’s survey. Plus, we’re bringing back the Cohort Lunches on Thursday where you can connect with others in similar roles.


What does my registration include?

Full registration includes lunch, dinner, and snacks Wednesday, May 28 – Friday, May 30 (breakfast not included) in addition to all educational sessions, music performances, and a ticket to one of Universal Studios parks (you must attend Momentum Worship to receive your ticket). 

Does CMB offer any discounts?

CMB Gold Members attend for free! There are also discounts for CMB Silver Members, Spouse/Child 10+, College Professors, Students, and International attendees. Scholarships are available for those who need financial assistance. Learn more about CMB Scholarships >>

Can I get a refund or exchange?

All refund requests received in writing by May 16 will be honored. The total refund applied will be less credit card / service fees. After May 16, no refunds are available.

Does my spouse or child need a ticket? Can they eat with me at meals if they aren’t registered?

CMB offers a special registration rate for spouses and children. If your guest is not registered, you can purchase additional meal tickets for them once Momentum registration opens on January 15.

Is a Universal Park ticket included in my Momentum registration?

Yes! Everyone with a full registration will receive a ticket to one of Universal Theme Parks to be used on Thursday (you must attend Momentum Worship to receive your ticket). Express Passes are not included. They are available for an additional fee. You may purchase an Express Pass HERE.

Will there be an On Demand option?

Yes! On Demand includes videos of the 15 Momentum main stage speakers, audio from the 16 breakouts, plus speaker resources. Please note that this does not include performances. We believe that attending in person is the BEST way to experience Momentum and get the full experience of all that’s offered. The On Demand link will be emailed to you the week of June 2 and will expire on December 31.

Gold Members – FREE
Momentum Attendees – $99
Non-Attendees – $299


What is a cohort lunch?

The Cohort Lunch is a dedicated time for industry professionals serving in similar roles to exchange ideas and collaborate on challenges and opportunities they’re currently facing. Attendees may select from eight different topics to engage with including: Business Development, Fundraising, Innovation, Leadership, Marketing, Music & Programming, Social Media, and Spanish. This time is designed for further discussions about educational content shared throughout Momentum with your peers.

Will we be able to get liners or interviews from artists?

Yes! You will have the opportunity to utilize a Recording Pod on-site to capture content with artists. Attendees can reserve a 30-minute recording session in the pod, and high-quality recording equipment will be provided to connect to your recording device. Please contact your record label rep to schedule artist liners or interviews. Contact information for labels can be found in the CMB Label Directory.

What is the attire at Momentum?

Attire at Momentum is casual, including the CMB Awards Dinner. The conference is in Florida in May so it’s hot, but like most conference centers the inside is kept cool, so bring a light jacket. Don’t forget sneakers for the theme park day on Thursday!





If you are interested in partnering with us in reaching radio’s decision makers, let us know!

Speakers & artists are subject to change. CMB’s mission is rooted in our faith in Jesus Christ and our desire to equip Christian music broadcasters. We acknowledge that all sponsors, speakers and event partners may not affirm our statement of faith. However, we believe that their participation will strengthen CMB’s overall mission and Kingdom objectives.