WGTS 91.9 Heads to Iwo Jima Memorial for Toys for Tots
(Washington, D.C.) – The WGTS 91.9 teamed up with the United States Marine Corps and Washington, D.C., ABC affiliate, 7 News, to collect toys for kids in our area. All three groups joined together at the Iwo Jima Memorial to host one of the largest toy drives in the region.
For six hours, listeners and community members turned the circular road around the memorial into a drive-through toy stop. WGTS was broadcasting live, as well as doing television reports with 7 News. By the end of the six-hour event, two large box trucks were filled with toys, with everything from bikes to balls to toy trucks and dolls. The goal is to give toys to more than 29,000 children in the area.
“We are honored to be a small part of the team helping deliver Christmas to thousands of kids around the District,” said WGTS Morning Show Host and Marketing Director Jerry Woods. “This is the second year we’ve been on the team, and it was exciting to see listeners respond in such a big way, doubling the number of toys we collected last year.”