WayFM Promotes Tyler Allen and Michael Russell
WayFM is promoting Michael Russell to Assistant Program Director and Operations Director. Michael credits WayFM with his desire to get into Christian radio since the station’s sign-on in 1992. He started at WayFM in November 2015 as Ops Director in Louisville and was promoted to Regional Ops Director for TN & KY in Dec 2018.
WayFM Network Program Director, Jeff Evans, says “Michael has done an outstanding job in these roles, and his passion for the WayFM brand combined with his programming knowledge makes him the perfect person for this position.”
Additionally, WayFM is promoting Tyler Allen to Network Promotion Director. Tyler has been the Regional Promotion Director for the Nashville, Huntsville & Louisville WayFM markets for the past 4 years. As Network Promotion Director, Tyler will create and execute promotional vision, strategies, and tactics for the network, in addition to continued oversight of the Nashville local promotions, events, and appearances. (Nashville, Clarksville, Bowling Green & Chattanooga.)
Evans says “I’m excited to have Tyler handling promotions for the WayFM network. His organization, creativity, and desire to reach the audience for Jesus is inspiring.”
Russell and Allen take over these new roles immediately.