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3 Endearing Traits of Radio DJs

Listener attention spans are shorter than ever while more competition is vying for their ears and eyes. Radio on-air personalities must cut through the noise and become a habit in listener’s lives. Let’s dive into this week’s Beyond The 615 Column, article # 151.

There are endless traits that will help you deepen relationships and create fans, but I think these three traits are the most powerful for Contemporary Christian Radio DJs.



Self-reflection allows you to be vulnerable and authentic while creating a real connection point for deepening relationships with listeners.

Self-evaluation helps you admit faults and failures while sending the message to listeners that they’re not alone. It also helps takes you off of a pedestal.

Self-deprecation is a way to laugh at yourself and make listener’s smile or laugh along with you.



Self-reflection, self-evaluation, and self-deprecation are powerful ways to endear yourself to listeners. They make you authentic, human, and approachable. So, if they’re not already a part of your on-air tool belt, start incorporating these three traits. With a little practice and consistency, you’ll weave them into the DNA of your show.


#radioshow #radiopersonality #radiohost #radio #radiodj #onair #radiocoaching


Todd Stach launched Beyond 615, a coaching and consulting business in 2021, where he strives to help others build confidence and discover their full potential. At the time of this article, he serves 25 shows at 10 radio stations. Todd has also written 150+ free articles to encourage on-air personalities and program directors. He and his family live in the (615) area code, aka the heart of the CCM industry.