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PAR Stations Raise More Than $158k In God’s Pit Crew Blessing Buckets Drive

BLACKSBURG, VA—The stations of Positive Alternative Radio united their efforts, inspiring listeners to contribute a significant sum of $158,340.00, providing 4,524 Blessing Buckets from God’s Pit Crew.
Blessing Buckets, a tangible expression of Christ’s love, contain essential cleaning supplies, personal care items, a Bible, and messages of encouragement for disaster victims.
Doug Day, the General Manager of Spirit FM (Lynchburg-Roanoke, VA), coordinated the project for PAR.

“All of us at PAR are so blessed to be a part of the work the Lord is doing through God’s Pit Crew. In times of disaster, Blessing Buckets are a practical way to share the Love of Christ with people just when they need it the most,” Day said.

PAR enjoys a close working relationship with God’s Pit Crew, based in Danville, Virginia. The 501c3 non-profit organization’s website,, has more information about Blessing Buckets. For more on PAR, visit