Family Life Radio Listeners Unite for Acts of Kindness
A mom who unexpectedly lost her husband and many others in need this Christmas season are getting some help from Family Life Radio (FLR) listeners. It’s all part of the Love Your Neighbor Christmas Edition campaign that encourages people to nominate an unsung hero who could use a blessing of their own.
Jamey nominated her friend, a mom who earlier this year found out she was pregnant with her second child, and the very next day lost her husband unexpectedly. Ten people called in from across the country to help with baby food, diapers, clothes and more. FLR business partner Beebe Painting Services in Detroit provided her with a washing machine.
“People are hearing the needs of complete strangers and calling in without hesitation to help during a very busy season. We are seeing the love of Jesus being poured out through the airwaves, from one phone call to another,” said Mike Kankelfritz, FLR’s Chief Broadcast Engagement Officer.
A family in Lubbock known for selflessly helping others are experiencing several health-related issues including cancer, and are in desperate need of their chimney being fixed as the winter season sets in. Mary in Kansas was able to connect the family with her son who lives in their area.
Amanda is getting a water heater just in time for the birth of her baby. “It just so happens the estimate received for the cost of the water heater equals the exact amount that was pledged by the three listeners,” said Brian Dumont, FLR’s Regional Promotions Manager Brian Dumont.
The Love Your Neighbor Campaign will continue through December 22. Learn more at myflr.org.