Healthy Versus Unhealthy Relationships
For additional audio and visual resources to encourage your listeners, please visit and scroll to the “Radio Resources'' section. To speak with the Dr. Elias Moitinhos about this topic, please
Local Radio’s Secret Weapon Is Top Zip Codes
Your radio station should compare top listening zips with top giving zips and develop a cohesive plan for every department and employee. Consider doing this type of analysis at least
New Year, New You? Are You Ready for Change?
The new year is underway! One of the first things we usually do is reflect on the past year and decide what needs to be different in the new. Maybe
The Christian Leader: Perseverance, Character, Hope
As people, how we deal with struggles defines us. The same is true for us as Christian leaders. We may learn to a degree from winning, but some growth can
Trusting in God’s Perfect Plan
When I was a little girl, I knew that God had gifted me athletically because I loved sports and was pretty good at them. But there was one problem: society
Only 1 in 10 People Possess the Talent to Manage
One of the most important decisions companies make is simply whom they name manager, Gallup has found. Yet our analytics suggest they usually get it wrong: Companies fail to choose
“Gen Z’s Have No Interest In Working In Radio” And Other Myths
Yesterday's post about how many of us caught the “radio bug” as kids resonated for scores of you. I enjoyed reading your comments here on the blog, as well as
Biblical Leadership: Don’t Lead Alone
Leadership is a tricky business. Many, especially those that find themselves in new positions of leadership, feel the need to do everything themselves. They need to go that extra mile
Message of Christmas
I felt like a hypocrite. I was at church with my family last Christmas Eve. The service was getting ready to begin and something was missing. In me. I excused myself
Putting on the Mind of Christ
As Christians, we often hear about the significance of “putting on the mind of Christ.” Romans 8:6 teaches us that “… letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to