CMB Industry Shout-out – Brennan Wimbish & WGTS
“Shout out to Program Director, Brennan Wimbish and the whole team at WGTS for the stellar performance in the ratings .7.3 - 6+!!! To be the top rated music station
CMB Industry Shout-out – Dave St. John & Matt Deane
“Encouragement Media Group would like to give a shout out to Dave St. John and Matt Deane with KTIS for coming to East Texas to share ideas and to sharpen
CMB Industry Shout-out – The Joy FM
“Shout out to The Joy FM (Sarasota, FL) for being a constant leader in creativity. When others ask why, you seem to be asking “why not?” Your fundraising videos alone
CMB Industry Shout-out – Dave Gordon
“Shout out to Dave Gordon, GM of Life 88.5 in KC for being an outstanding mentor. Dave was a CMB mentor to Jeremy Louis (JOY FM PD). It was great
CMB Industry Shout-out – Troy Kriechbaum
“Shout out to Troy Kriechbaum at KVNE in Tyler, Texas for leading a major market operation in a small market. Troy’s commitment to excellence and service to the people of
CMB Industry Shout-out – Matt Stockman
“Shout out to Matt Stockman (Brand Director at Pillar Media) and the great articles on programming he’s been writing. Love to be forced to think critically about what we are