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2023 Email Marketing Statistics

Our compilation of average email open rates and click-through rate data. What’s a good open rate for email? Read the best email statistics sources to benchmark your email campaigns in your industry sector.

When I run training workshops on Email marketing, Email marketers often ask “how do our campaigns compare“? They’re looking for email statistics to compare subscriber engagement for average email open rate, clickthrough, delivery, unsubscribe and complaints rates, ideally within their sector. That’s what we cover in this regularly updated compilation of the best email marketing response statistics for different sectors and countries.

Fortunately, there are a number of good options to benchmark email response across different sectors. The best stats sources are compilations by email marketing service providers who produce statistics across their clients’ campaigns. We have grouped the stats into the top eight questions asked including:

For the most meaningful comparisons, we need to go beyond industry averages and drill down to the comparison of email types. For example, transactional emails such as a welcome sequence tend to have much higher interaction and click-through rates than a regular newsletter.

The benchmark statistics on email response vary depending on the types of email platform vendor used to send email. Lower-cost platforms tend to have SMB customers who are less well-known brands and this will mean that they have a different response from higher-cost enterprise email platforms which are better-known brands.

Email statistics – January 2023 update

We will continue to update these stats through 2023 as new reports are produced by the main email platforms which we link to show the latest open rates and clickthrough rates.

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Q1. What are the email open and clickthrough rates by industry?

This table, from data for B2B and B2C businesses published in January 2023 by Constant Contact, gives the average email open and clickthrough rates by industry. The overall average open rate is 16.97%, with a 10.29% CTR – how do your email rates compare?

The most recent 2022 GetResponse Email marketing benchmarks sector summary also includes unsubscribe and spam rates. The Getresponse data is also useful since it gives a worldwide average of open and clickthrough rates by both B2C and B2B sectors. This gives one of the best sources for comparing email response statistics by country and region.

It’s a useful report because it has the breakdown of opens, clicks and unsubscribes by industry for B2B and B2C markets. This shows a much lower response in some sectors such as Events, Education, and Legal Services.

If you’re working for a retailer I recommend taking a look at the Barilliance Retail email marketing statisticswhich have good insight on engagement with different types of retail email and the impact of personalization.

I also like that includes Click to Open rates which is one of the best ways to compare the effective of your email creative.

Q2. What are the email engagement rates for larger businesses?

The results for Getresponse and Constant Contact are more typical of smaller and mid-size businesses, rather than large brands.

This Email benchmark compilation 2021 from Accoustic (formerly IBM marketing and commerce) represents 750 companies representing 3,000 brands in 40 countries. So breakdowns by EMEA, UK, US and APAC are available too. I’ve selected the breakdown by industry which is more useful to compare your performance with.

But what is the average email open rate? Here are the open rates with the mean showing the variation from the poorest performing sectors like publishing and tech to consumer brands and non-profits.

open rates by industry

Rather than click-through rates that are also available in the report, I have picked out Click-to-open which shows engagement with the copy and creative. As a rule of thumb you should look for 10 to 15% CTOR, so can compare emails against this benchmark.

click to open rates by industry

Finally, from this benchmark, I thought it would be useful to share the data on list churn as indicated by hard bounce rates and spam complaint rates. You don’t want to go too high on these since you could have a problem with inbox delivery and likely your ESP will get in touch.

Email unsubscribe rates by industry


Q3. What is the breakdown of market share for email clients on mobile and desktop?

Litmus, one of the best sources for stats on email marketing, regularly produces a summary of reading environments and email clients, so you can see the latest figures for 2023. Note that Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) has the effect of reducing open rates, so when comparing sectors and countries, open rates are now skewed by different proportions of people using Apple Mail.

Did you know more than one third of emails are opened on an Apple iPhone?

The latest Litmus compilation of email client market share shows why it’s so important to consider how well your emails render on mobile. It’s based on the percentage of opens on different platforms.

Q4. What is a good open and clickthrough rate? How do these differ for different industries?

Although we are presenting averages in this article, to answer this question it’s important to go beyond averages in your analysis of your email marketing so you can compare ‘apples with apples’. It’s worth segmenting your email response in this way:

  • By email type (see below)
  • By offer type
  • By audience demographics

This will give you a better indication of performance as will analysis by revenue per 1000 emails sent. To show the difference of email type, the GetResponse Email marketing benchmarks include these averages by email opens.

It’s no surprise that triggered and autoresponder (welcome) emails have higher open and click rates since they are more relevant or immediate, more in the context of an action that a subscriber has taken. It shows the power of marketing automation.

Sales Cycle also has some good insight showing response rates for remarketing emails like cart abandonment email rates in their 2019 E-commerce Remarketing report.

Cart Abandon Email rate

Q5. How do engagement rates vary by email frequency?

Deciding on frequency is a key part of your email contact strategy. GetResponse has some useful data showing how open and clickthrough rates decline as frequency increases.

First for enewsletters…

Then for number of autoresponder messages…

This is useful insight since it shows that higher frequencies will produce higher overall responses. Note that in the case of autoresponders – typically used for welcome sequences, the majority only send a single message, so they are missing out by only sending one.


Q6. How do the number of characters in the subject line affect response?

Get a response also have some useful insight on how engagement varies depending on the number of characters. In the subject line. You can see that there is a sweet spot between 20 and 60 characters where they open and click through rates are highest.

They also present insight on the impact of including emojis in the subject line. While this is often thought to increase open rates, their data suggest that on average it decreases both open and click through rates so it is a technique to use sparingl

Q7. How to email open and click-through rates vary based on the day of the week?

Knowing the best day of the week to send your emails is really useful so this is another frequently asked question. The data from get response shows that open rates are actually fairly constant on different days of the week, but with Friday slightly higher than other days, the weekends are definitely lower note that this varies for business-to-business and business-to-consumer Email marketing. For mid-week Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday tends to be higher.

Q8. How do I open and click-through rates vary based on the time of day?

The best time of day to send and newsletter early email campaign. It’s another frequently asked question. This tends to vary a little more after the time zones have been normalised. You can see that around breakfast time, lunchtime and especially early evening are the best times – we can speculate that these coincide with commutes and starting/finishing work.

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