I love a good campfire. A little pyro skills, patience and soon you’re enjoying some community with others while snacking on s’mores. K..I’m getting hungry! Speaking of which – humble and hungry would be two wonderful words to describe my CMBU experience this year. Humble in knowing that none of us have it all figured out and need to be life-long learners. Hunger for that opportunity to prove oneself and to serve others.
So, Hershey’s or Reese’s Peanut Butter cups for what goes between the ‘mallow and the graham? Got you hungry again?
Let’s get back to that whole campfire thing! For whatever reason the idea of a spark comes to mind when I think of the students and conversations that happen at CMBU. Small sparks were ready to be fanned into flame this year, just as in the past. From hearing from a former CMBU student attendee now PD (Brett Hager) sharing his passion for what it means to be a servant leader to students like Jill from South Carolina who shared how her time as HIS Radio under the humble influence of Rob Demsey sparked her desire to be in Christian radio. Probably no coincidence that I met another student like Molly, who just had that hunger and ‘spark’ to learn – whether in radio production or the skills of being on-air. Props to Brian at that university (with stations aptly called Spark and Shine) along with all the other college advisors/professors who are truly investing in the future of our ever changing industry.
My encouragement to you (yes you the reader) is to fan that spark you see in individuals in your organization. Stay humble and hungry…and enjoy a tasty s’more or two while we remember to pause and be grateful for this incredible CMB community!