National DJ Day
January 20, 2025 – National DJ Day. I’m not sure it’s ever been more worthy of celebration than this year!
From beloved radio personalities being plucked from this earth way too soon, to world-class talents scrambling to start over in the 4th quarter of their careers…it’s been a year! DJ’s are mentally and emotionally exhausted. But what do they do when they feel that way?
They serve. They console others. They pray. They find a win. They keep going.
Because this is what they’ve been doing their entire lives for listeners. This is the DJ’s super-power. They show up for work when their personal lives are falling apart. They nod as listeners tell them long, detailed life stories at concerts. They pick up the studio phone to hear a rant about a song that gets played way too often, and they listen. They’re respectful. They put others first, day in and day out.
They create beauty out of thin air! They don’t just see objects; they see story-seeds. They collect these seeds on their smartphones and notebooks and let them germinate until it’s time to arrange them into a beautiful bouquet. delivered over the airwaves to the listener. Yet the listener assumes it was all off-the-cuff.
A lot of people assume a DJ job is a cushy one because they get all the attention. Everybody knows their name. They’re popular. But few realize all that’s required when the mic is off. Even so, a DJ will tell you, it’s all a labor of love.
Yes, let’s celebrate DJ’s. And as we do, we can be sure they’ll be celebrating everyone else.