What if God Hasn’t Called You to Radio?
I had been “in radio” for over 20 years when I believe God whispered this to my heart, “You’re not in radio, you’re a missionary to your city.”
That profound thought changed the way we “do radio” and share Jesus with our community. But perhaps more importantly and foundationally, it pierced my heart. It was the genesis of understanding our purpose and calling, which shapes everything we do as a radio and media ministry.
In honor of National Radio Day on August 20, I’d love to share our 10 core ministry beliefs at JOY FM and BOOST RADIO. This is our “why”:
- We believe that Jesus is the Hope of the world
- We believe that Jesus changes lives, families and communities
- We believe that we should love and act differently than the world
- We believe in doing the right thing whether it is popular or not
- We believe in being honest, including about our weaknesses and needs
- We believe together is better than alone
- We believe that following Christ is fun and not boring
- We believe in building people up, not tearing them down
- We believe in forgiveness
I’m not suggesting that your ministry should adopt these core beliefs. But there is something very helpful and constructive about knowing who you are and what your purpose is.
What do those 10 beliefs have to do with radio? For us, everything.
*They fuel our passion for people in our community
*They shape our priorities
*They guide our hirings
*They keep us laser focused on Kingdom building and not our own
In a nutshell, they help us do good “radio.”
What do you believe? What is your passion? Who has God called you to reach? What is standing in your way?
Some questions to ponder on this National Radio Day! What if God hasn’t called you to radio? What if He has called you to a mission?