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Life 102.5 Listeners Provide Shoebox Gifts for Kids

Life 102.5 (WNWC, Madison WI) listeners continued the tradition of sharing hope by providing Madison area kids with shoeboxes filled with gifts. As the Christmas season unfolded and listeners did their own shopping, many went the extra mile by purchasing items for children in need. Essential school supplies and small toys found their way into shoeboxes which were thoughtfully wrapped and dropped off at locations across Madison. Nearly 2,000 shoeboxes were donated this year to support families facing challenges.

“We are so thankful for this ministry!” said Jacking Hunt, a volunteer with Fountain of Life Covenant Church and W.I.N.R.S. for Christ, who led the distribution efforts. “I would like to thank all the listeners who made this ministry possible.”

Becky, a Life 102.5 listener, mobilized friends and family to assemble 200 boxes. “It is just so much fun to do every year. We just feel like we have an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. It is just heart-warming.”

These families received gifts this year because of the donations of Life 102.5 listeners like Becky and collection sponsor Janesville Athletic Club.

Life 102.5 is a part of the Northwestern Media network of University of Northwestern – St. Paul. Northwestern Media stations broadcast on 104 outlets across 10 states.