89Q/WCLQ Helps Kids Attend Formal Dances
89Q/89.5 FM WCLQ Wausau was honored to be a drop-off location for the Wausau Formal Showcase. This annual event was started by Kendra, a local teen who, through her Girls Scout gold award project, began collecting used formal/prom dresses, suits, and accessories for students who are unable to afford formal wear to attend school dances like prom, winter formal, or homecoming. Kendra has been collecting and providing dresses for two years and is graduating this spring. She will pass the baton to the Boys and Girls clubs to carry on. They will be opening up the program to include Merrill High School, Wausau West, and East and DC Everest high schools. This year 89Q collected 154 dresses, 10 full suits, 7 pairs of pants, 6 sport coats, 11 dress shirts, and various vests and shoes.