A few months ago I was reading an article by TINT on the “State of Community Powered Marketing report - 2024 edition.” They conducted a survey of consumers and marketers
Local Radio’s Secret Weapon Is Top Zip Codes
Your radio station should compare top listening zips with top giving zips and develop a cohesive plan for every department and employee. Consider doing this type of analysis at least
The Top 10 Keys To Creating Great Radio Ads
Insights From Two Decades of Direct Response Radio Advertising Making radio work for your company requires strategy, skillful media buying, and engaging creative. What makes a radio ad engaging? The creative process
A Cheerful Giver
You’ve heard it said, “It’s better to give than to receive.” But is it really true? According to research from Harvard and the University of British Columbia it is. They
How Your Website Can Enhance Your Ministry Impact
Everyone knows that having a great website is a non-negotiable. It’s become a critical homebase for every organization. For nonprofits, there are two key actions that you want people to take.
The Choice of Generosity
Generosity is a virtue often overlooked in today's fast-paced culture, and when it is considered, generosity tends to be associated with financial giving. This view limits the true scope of
Are You Prepared to Receive Non-cash Gifts?
As we head towards the end of the year, we enter a season of significant giving, especially as donors consider their final gifts of the year and the impact of
The Shifts in Generational Giving
Back in 2016, Dunham+Company set out to understand the differences between the various generations of donors, with a specific desire to understand the emerging generation of millennial donors. In 2022, with
No One Listens to the Radio Anymore
“No one listens to the radio anymore. Radio is dead.” When someone says that to me, I beat them unconscious with a Portable People Meter. “Wait a minute. When you say, ‘beat
10 Questions You Can Ask Major Donors to Build the Relationship
Major donors make a major impact on your nonprofit, but it can be a bit scary to ask major donors for a donation. If you’re new to major donor work, you