Why me? Why this? Why now?
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Why me? Why this? Why now? We have all likely asked these questions when in the crucible of suffering. When Christ was suffering, He questioned God and, just as we do, asked, “Why?” Though He had the heart of God, in His agony, He turned to His Father with that very human question. Unlike Christ, however, our why questions seem to come from our commitment to living in a perfect world despite abundant evidence to the contrary. While we long for the peace of the Garden of Eden, we often find our experience closer to the Garden of Gethsemane. In that turmoil, our hearts ask questions like, “Why would God allow suffering in the first place? Why would He allow suffering to continue? Why doesn’t He do something?” We desire to understand and make sense of this world, even though most of our questions have no apparent answers or even no answers at all.
As natural as these questions may be, they breed only deeper confusion, but still we ask. In fact, our questions really demand an explanation, but God is not obligated to answer our questions. Even if God did provide answers, we probably would not accept them as justification for the suffering. Confusion abounds in these moments.
The questions that sufferers ask arise from the recognition that their circumstances do not fit with their worldview. They are shocked and bewildered when nothing seems to be as they thought. Suddenly, the beliefs that have never been questioned are unmasked as unreliable.
When we experience adversity, we live out our real theology. Suffering is, ultimately, applied theology. We want to provide a practical biblical theology of suffering and explore the impact of pain upon our lives. We offer scriptural and practical advice to help people walk with God through even the hardest times. Most people want to avoid or move through difficulties as quickly as possible. We pray for relief and risk missing God’s purpose in the pain when we attempt to avoid suffering. God is in this process and seeks to use the experience for our personal and spiritual growth.
The next time you find yourself asking these questions, seek the Lord’s wisdom and guidance. As we enter this Easter season, remember the suffering He went through for us on the cross. He understands the pain, and He is with you in your suffering. His sacrifice at Golgotha is a permanent reminder of this. Because suffering is of inestimable importance in God’s economy, we need to radically accept the experience and trust in God’s goodness and justice.