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The Power of Gratitude

On my desk right now, I have two different notes. One is a thank you note from Sidewalk Prophets after WGTS partnered with them on their Christmas tour. The other is a Medi-Share/CMB postcard that Zoraida Brown from Z88.3 sent me to say thanks for being her promotion’s mentor. Zoraida’s note has been on my desk for a month, and the Sidewalk Prophets note has been there since January. I smile every time I look at them. And that is the power of gratitude!

We live in a world of quick texts, slightly longer emails, and rare phone calls. Let’s face it: if you work in promotions, sales, or even programming, you’re constantly asking someone to do something for you. Frequently, they say yes. After the concert, sale, or event is over, how often do we take the time to say thanks? I’m guessing you always say thanks in person because your momma raised you right. But when was the last time you hand-wrote a thank you note, put a stamp on it, and dropped it in a mailbox? Those extra steps represent time and care. They represent gratitude. 

Every one of us wants to be appreciated. You never know when a thank-you note could turn into an opportunity to work together again on a bigger project, or it could turn into something more. As Humphrey Bogart said in Casablanca, “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” On that note, I need to wrap this up; I have a couple of thank-you notes to write.