Living for Christ Through the Eyes of a College Graduate
For many students, the month of May marks a turning point in their lives. Years of hard work and diligence yield their reward on graduation day as excited graduates don their caps and gowns, ready to close one chapter and begin the next. It’s also a time of reflection as they look back on the steps they took to get there.
In 2024, more than 29,000 students graduated from Liberty University, and each one has a unique story to tell. Four of these graduates are Cia, Hannah, Brandon, and Tommy. We asked them to share their stories about Liberty and any advice they have for future Champions for Christ.
What are your plans after graduating from Liberty?
“I’m moving to Nashville before the summer is up, Lord willing. I have no idea what I’m doing or where I’m going, but I’m trusting the Lord. He will provide a way and open the doors that He wants to be opened. Life is a faith walk, not a cakewalk!” — Hannah
“Lord willing, I will be a commuter coordinator with Liberty’s Office of Commuter Life, helping students through event planning, communications, connecting, and discipling.” — Brandon
“I am so excited to have the privilege of speaking at worldwide conferences while pursuing a master’s degree in biblical studies at Liberty with the hope of eventually becoming a professor!” — Cia
“I plan to continue in the creative industry by building my marketing agency. I also want to release music to uplift people and point them to the Father.” — Tommy
How have you seen God at work in your college journey?
“While at Liberty, God has shown me that I can’t be afraid to let myself be grown and pruned spiritually. This season of life is all about transition and being called into new things. Sometimes it was scary, but I learned to lean into the Lord and trust the process. I also learned to ask for help. We’re designed to dwell in community, and through others, God taught me to be vulnerable with the people He has placed in my life.” — Hannah
“I always see Him through my friends and community. The Lord loves to teach me and my friends things at the same time, so we are able to speak of His goodness and character together. Iron sharpens iron, and that has happened more during my time at Liberty than any other place or season.” — Tommy
Do you have any advice for those pursuing education?
“Education is so much more than the grades. If you strive for all A’s but never understand the incredible abilities you gain through learning, education will only be paper achievements and not genuine weapons for God’s Kingdom. Take time to delight in your studies. A proper view of them will equip you to change the world.” — Cia
“Remain steadfast in your goals and in the Word. Invest in your church; don’t just attend. Serve and be discipled — these two things will change your life.” — Tommy
“We are often told to get good grades, a good GPA, a good degree, a higher paying job, and so on, but that provides a negative framework for learning. However, with God, there is fullness of life and a renewed vision for learning and work. Hear the invitation from God to live, not just be alive. Live a life surrendered to Jesus as Lord.” — Brandon
What does being a Champion for Christ mean to you?
“I think of Colossians 3:23: ‘And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.’ I’m giving the Lord my best. Being a Champion for Christ is being bold and trusting in the Lord, allowing Him to do whatever He wants in my life!” — Hannah
“A Champion for Christ is someone who embodies Ezra 7:10. They have set themselves apart for the greater glory of God, which will do abundantly more than living for their own recognition ever could. They are sold out for the humble heart of Jesus and have found their true victory in His everlasting arms.” — Cia
Since 1971, Liberty University has held to its mission of Training Champions for Christ, and the stories of these new graduates show the impact a Christian education can make on their future. If you have a student in your life preparing for a major life change like a high school or college graduation, encourage them to seek Christ in all circumstances. Remind them that He will see them through every chapter so long as they keep their eyes on Him.