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CMB Industry Shout-out – WMIT Team

“I would like to shout out the team at WMIT, including John Owens, who has embarked on a new adventure in fundraising over the past few years. The team looks at fundraising events in a completely different light, while at the same time, purposefully keeping themselves in the dark. Lemme explain: The goal for their fundraising events is hidden from all but a few key management-level folks. The gift amounts are hidden from the team. The pressure on the air staff to reach a certain number of gifts or amount given in a certain timeframe is gone. They do this because they want the stories, the ministry, the mission and vision to be front and center… and they’re letting God do the rest (which, of course, He is!).

It’s not about saying one way of fundraising is better or worse than another. This way is simply what they believe will help them accomplish God’s calling on their ministry – to make a huge deal out of how good He is and the work He is doing through WMIT! I believe most people reading this also believe God can and will provide for their radio ministries. To me, it’s exciting and inspiring to see a team exemplify that faith in God this way.

Thanks to the team at WMIT for walking out their faith day by day!”

– Josh Hooper, CCO | Program Director | The River Morning Show, River Radio Ministries

Do you have a shout-out that needs to be shared? We would love to hear from you! Take just a quick minute and let us know someone in the industry who inspires you so that we can share the love.