CMB Industry Shout-out – Lisa Williams
“Shout out to the one, the only, LISA WILLIAMS!!! If you haven’t met Lisa Williams yet, you need to add it to your bucket list RIGHT NOW…EVERYONE needs to meet Lisa Williams at least once before they die (ideally not just a quick meet either, at least lunch, then buckle up for the best lunch of your life). Lisa Williams is the Network Talent Coach for Northwestern Media, and coaches (I believe) somewhere between 70-80 radio DJs. Here’s the thing, even though Lisa is constantly juggling so much in her busy life, when you are meeting with her, YOU, are her sole focus. You would never have ANY idea that immediately after your hour long meeting, she then has another, and another, and another, and another…because she pours her ALL into each and every coaching session, and I honestly don’t know how she does it!
If you have never had the joy of a Lisa Williams Coaching session, it is SO MUCH MORE THAN AIRCHECKS. It’s therapy, it’s spiritual nourishment, it’s a balm to the soul! Truly, I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have gone into a Lisa session feeling depleted, creatively and spiritually, and by the end of the session it’s like I just walked out of a waterfall of God’s goodness and peace. I don’t say this lightly, Lisa Williams is the most Holy Spirit filled/focused person I know, and the fruit of that spirit bursts out of her life blessing everyone she loves and works with on a daily basis.
One last thing, even with how BEYOND busy Lisa is (truly I don’t know how she does it!), she will ALWAYS be there for you, even outside of coaching sessions. I needed prayer last week, and the first person I thought of was my dear friend Lisa. Assuming she was in a coaching sessions, I thought I would just leave a voicemail, but somehow the person she was scheduled to meet with was running late and she was able to pray with me right then and there when I needed it the most.
I’ve never known or had a friend like Lisa, but my life is INFINITELY better and brighter because I now have a mentor, sister, and dear friend like the one, the only, Lisa Williams.”
– Allen Jones, Program Director and Morning Show, Life 97.9
Do you have a shout-out that needs to be shared? We would love to hear from you! Take just a quick minute and let us know someone in the industry who inspires you so that we can share the love.