CMB Industry Shout-out – Kristen James
“I want to give a shout out to Kristen James at WAWZ Star 99.1 in New Jersey AND WAKW Star 93.3 in Cincinnati!
She is one of the most enthusiastic and energetic people I have ever talked to on the phone. Positive in every way, every time we talk… She loves music, Loves people, and Loves radio… And it just oozes from every conversation you have with her! When I got to meet her at momentum, I found out she’s the exact same way in person!
Authenticity and positivity should not be rare in our industry, but I think we all could benefit from the way that Kristen shares it every day!!
Seriously, give her a call and you’ll see what I mean!”
– Jeff Cruz, Owner, Cruz Promo
Do you have a shout-out that needs to be shared? We would love to hear from you! Take just a quick minute and let us know someone in the industry who inspires you so that we can share the love.