The Top 5 CCM Artists – Finney’s Fast 5
Every year, Finney Media Research tests library songs from CCM artists with listeners across the United States. Listeners decide this ranking from research we’ve gathered across North America.
In February, we showed you the Top Five Female Artists (here). In March, the Top Five Male Artists (here). In April, the Top Five Groups (here).
Now, we reveal the Top Five CCM Artists – Male, Female and Group – from our recent research. And we include the second five. All CCM, all in one list
- MercyMe
- Chris Tomlin
- Casting Crowns
- Jeremy Camp
- Zach Williams
- Lauren Daigle
- Third Day
- Matthew West
- Phil Wickham
- Big Daddy Weave (tie) & Crowder (tie)
To make this list, you must have 1. a lot of songs that 2. test well. And MercyMe sure fits that description. Their older material tests well. Their newer material tests well. Enough that they take over the top spot in our list. In fact, each of our top four artists have great testing materials that spans 20 years.
Zach Williams continues to bring out great testing song after great testing song. Same with Lauren Daigle. Both of them have been making great CCM songs for less than 10 years.
We’ve seen Matthew West come on strong lately, with a number of great testing songs in the past five years.
Coming in June: We’ve completed the 2023 Finney Media Why Listen® Survey. We’ll begin to reveal key findings next month.
Chuck Finney’s had radio playing in his head since he was just a boy. Over the course of his career, he’s worked in programming, radio research, and audience connection. Chuck’s passion for words and communication is widely recognized and he’s won several industry awards.
If you ask Chuck how he’s doing, he’ll either say “Blessed, thank you,” or “I really get to do this for a living?!” He’s the President of Finney Media, a speaker and author who loves telling stories and helping you do the same. Chuck is married and has two adult daughters. He lives with his wife, Lynda, in the Dallas area. For more information, read about Chuck at finneymedia.com.