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Law and Gospel in Christian Radio: Why We Need Both

So, imagine this: You’re on a long road trip, and someone hands you a GPS that only tells you where you should be but never tells you where you are. That’s weird, right?

Like, you’re driving along, and the GPS just keeps saying, “You should be in Nashville right now.” But you’re not. You’re somewhere in the middle of Arkansas, questioning all your life choices.

That’s what Christian radio can feel like sometimes. It can sound like a constant reminder of where we should be—better, holier, more joyful, less anxious, more devoted. But without ever acknowledging where we are—weary, broken, still messing up, still in desperate need of grace.

And here’s the thing: That’s not actually encouraging. That’s exhausting.

Which brings me to Martin Luther.

Luther understood something that we often miss when we’re putting together programming for Christian radio: We need both Law and Gospel. Both. Not just one. Not just the other. Both.


The Law: Not Just a Pep Talk

The Law is God’s standard. It’s good, it’s holy, and—this is key—it’s not optional. It tells us what love actually looks like. It’s not just suggestions; it’s the truth about how things are supposed to be.

But if all we do is put people under the Law—if every break is just another reminder to “do better,” “try harder,” “believe more”—then we’re turning Christian radio into a spiritual self-help program.

And self-help is just the Law with a friendly voice. It’s just more stuff for people to fail at.

You know what the Law doesn’t do? It doesn’t comfort.


The Gospel: More Than Just a Pep Rally

On the other hand, if all we do is give people Gospel without Law—if every break is just “God loves you! Grace! You’re doing great!”—we risk turning Christian radio into an empty pep rally.

And look, the Gospel is good news. But for it to actually be good news, people need to know why it’s necessary.

We don’t just need positivity. We need rescue.

That’s why our programming—our breaks, our interviews, our song choices—should reflect the rhythm of the Christian life: conviction, then comfort. Diagnosis, then cure. Law, then Gospel.


Encouragement That Actually Encourages

If you want to really encourage people, don’t just tell them what they already know deep down (that they fall short). And don’t just tell them what they wish were true (that everything’s fine). Tell them the truth.

Tell them that the standard is high, and none of us have met it.

And then tell them about Jesus.

Tell them that He met the standard for them. That His righteousness is theirs. That their sin is actually, truly, completely forgiven—not just in theory, not just if they feel it hard enough, but in reality.

Christian radio should sound like that. It should sound like hope. Not just motivation. Not just sentiment. Hope.

And that kind of hope? That’s something weary travelers actually need. Because knowing where you should be is helpful. But knowing where you are—and that someone has come to rescue you from it?

That’s everything.