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Momentum Form – Workshop Presentations

Momentum Workshop Presentations

We're looking forward to having you lead a workshop at Momentum. We're excited that you'll be sharing your area of expertise and can't wait for our attendees to get to know you. The short form below is the information we need to help promote your workshop prior to the event.

  • As it will appear in promotional materials such as website, social media and emailed releases.
  • Please give us a short paragraph (3-5 sentences) describing the presentation. This description will be used in promotional materials to help promote your presentation.
  • Do you need AV capabilities for your presentation (slide deck)? *Please note that you will need to use your own computer to run your slide presentation in the Workshops.
  • Are there any other specifics that you need? (For example - the room set up classroom style or do you need a whiteboard?)
  • Will you be providing a handout for attendees?