How to Make the Biggest Jump in Your Career
You know who’s the most brilliant coach for Christian radio on-air talent?
It’s Jesus.
I’m serious. He’s not just Immanuel—God with us—he’s also the smartest person who ever lived. He’s an expert in everything. It makes sense, because he—you know—made us and stuff.
He tells us to fear God alone, and no one else. This is genius.
It means freedom from caring about what other people think of us. And wow, is that a remarkable freedom. It means we move from needing other people’s approval, to being loving.
It turns out that this leads us to being massively more effective in our jobs.
Maybe you’ve noticed this: A lot of people with our jobs, the Christian radio host thing, are needy?
Maybe you haven’t noticed it, but I have. I think it’s because I “get it.” So many people, including me, start out in this field just hoping for approval, even if we don’t realize it at the time. We really want to make a name for ourselves.
But if you’re needy, it’s all about you. You’re constantly wondering how you’ll be perceived by others. You’re constantly chafing for significance. And you know what? That becomes obvious on the air, even if you’re talented.
When it’s all about you, it can’t be truly about the listener. That means you can’t be truly empathetic, even if you act like you are. People pick up on that. It shows through.
Even if you’re good at your craft—and many needy people do “make a name for themselves”—it stops you from being a blessing. Being a “blessing” means adding value to your listeners’ lives.
They might be amused by you or angered by you. You might get the attention you want, sure. But you’re not a blessing, because you’re needy. It’s all about you.
So put yourself in this mindset: Truly think about your listener when you are prepping your show. Imagine a woman who’s had a long day of cleaning hotel rooms. Imagine a man driving a truck, who is a new believer, on his way to a tough job. Imagine a tired mom who just needs to think about Jesus. Prep for them.
That’s called “empathy” and it’s the opposite of neediness.
Making the jump from neediness to empathy will mean you’re not looking for fame. You’re not looking for significance. You don’t need approval, from the industry or anyone else.
You’re are just talking to the listener.
It’ll mean less anxiety. It’ll mean more energy.
It will also mean you’re just plain better at radio! You’ll be WAY more creative, because you’ll be freed from trying to be someone else, or someone else’s idea of a big-time Christian radio personality.
And it’ll mean you’ll have a better sense of humor. Why? Again: You’re free. You don’t have to force it. You can be funny by mistake or just naturally, which is so much less cringe-y.
Neediness is everywhere. If you’re thinking, “That’ me!” I understand. But it’s not a switch to “OFF” I’m afraid. You’ll need to spend time talking with God every day about what you are doing in life together. You’ll need to keep reading good stuff, and you’ll need to keep humbling yourself. But empathy is something you can grow in, and you becoming less needy will benefit everyone in your life.
That includes your listeners.
Don’t try be a Big Star. Just be a blessing.